Thursday, May 8, 2008

Brady School in Elvis' Teddy Bear

Tonight was East Aurora's Razzle Dazzle Variety Show. Each of the schools in the district perform some sort of song and dance. Our school chose Elvis' Teddy Bear. :) Our fantastic lunch lady, Deb Hunley sang. Our "Elvis" is Mr. Sardana, a second grade teacher from Spain. His screaming fans are Mrs. Harvey (math and reading support teacher), Mrs. Zepeda (third and fourth grade teacher), Miss Becker (kindergarten teacher) and Mrs. Novak (music teacher).
They did a great job and no one got hurt. :) It was a great night and lots of fun for everyone to get together and celebrate the end of another school year.

1 comment:

Melzie said...

How fun! We have our own Elvis, it's the Government teacher- and he does his performance every year the last 30 minutes before we let out for Christmas- it's a hoot!!!!